Let’s remove some of the overwhelm and confusion that comes with starting a vegetable garden!
This online class is designed for new and intermediate gardeners who want to grow their own fruits, vegetables, and herbs close to home.
Students will learn Columbus Foodscapes’ 5-step process to start growing produce organically, in spaces big and small, including:
> how to select the right location for your vegetable garden and amend existing beds
> how to select materials like raised beds, pots, and other containers
> how to decide which soil mixture to use
> how to create a basic planting plan aligned with central Ohio's seasons and your experience level
> how to maintain an organic vegetable garden
By following Katie's tips and techniques, students will easily recover the cost of this class their very first year!
INSTRUCTOR: Katie Carey is a certified Master Gardener, Master Urban Farmer, and Garden Educator on a mission to support her community in edible gardening. Katie is a Columbus-Native who fell in love with growing food in her late teens, planting basil in old plastic milk jugs and tomatoes in 5-gallon buckets. She’s worked at a variety of urban and rural farms, both in Ohio and internationally, and has tended her own “foodscape” for over 5 years. She started Columbus Foodscapes after seeing how many of her community members desperately wanted to garden, but came back from their local garden centers with their heads spinning. Her life’s work is to help her community grow their own fresh, delicious fruits and vegetables close to home, in any space, and at any level of experience.